Portland Maine to Atlanta to Denver to Salt Lake City. Worn down from the security lines and all the hurry up and waiting it felt good to get in the water. The air was warm, the surrounding mountains towered overhead and the cold water winded through the desert landscape. Trout were everywhere. They were in the shallow riffles and feeding on caddis and pmd’s. Jason was dialed into the fish and he had 3 to hand before I even hooked one. I had to adjust to the different fishery. These Browns were interested in caddis but not the typical Elk Hair Caddis. They wanted the EZ Caddis and it was obvious. So, I switched to the EZ Caddis and Bang! The trout were whacking at it furiously. There I was in the fast water, trying to get the perfect drift on some slower bankside water. Then it hit me and I said, “What the hell am I doing? I am working way to hard.” So, I crossed the river and stayed out of the water. I stood a good 10 feet back from the water line and casted pmd’s and caddis into the shallow water no more than 2 feet from the shore. That was the ticket. As always, working smart rather than hard seemed to pay off. I hooked some nice 18-19 inch Browns and they were ready to do battle. Up river, down river, across river and round and round until they either came to hand or spit the fly. I got tired of fishing the dry fly and I wanted to try my big fish method. So, I switched my spool and started to fish with a 200 grain depth charge line. Four feet of leader and a nice cone head leach pattern. I cast across stream and waited as the line began to sink to the bottom. The line started to make a nicely formed bow and I twitched the fly as it emerged from the bottom. WHAM! That Brown Trout could not resist. I then got tired of fishing that method so I switched to an indicator setup. 10 feet of leader, one small split shot, Caddis emerger on top and a size 20 green Copper John as a trailer. I through the setup way upstream and relaxed as it all tumbled down. My indicator was ticking and moving with bubbles and then it stopped. I set the hook. Fish on! I continued to do this and switched back and forth between dry flies, swinging wet flies and dead drifting nymphs. The sun began to set and Jason was hooking fish after fish on the dry fly in a pool down river from me. I reeled up my line. Attached it to the cork and sat on a rock. I took it all in and just sat there watching a good friend cast his fly. Trout were rising all around me but I was too relaxed to fly fish. So, I just sat there until Jason reeled up his line and called it a night. We are now on our way to do it all again only at a different river. We have an exciting week of fly fishing ahead of us. Multiple states, multiple river and everything in between is yet to be known.
EZ…Snap. Have a good time, excited to see whats to come.
That sure sounds like a great trip. The Maine people are envious. Enjoy, keep us posted.
Seems to have all the makings of a great trip. Keep us posted on how the spring creeks treat you. Great read too.
Hey, you might wanna get that “to relaxed to fish” thing checked out jer.
Glad your having fun, catch some monster rainbows while your at it eh….
you guys make sick! wish I was with you. uncledan. IS JASON OUT FISHING YOU? wacth out when he starts side arm casting.