I rolled out of bed, poured a cup of coffee and watched the sun rise over Lake Tahoe. The temperature was perfect, a light breeze and partly sunny skies. Perfect trout weather. I threw all my gear in a bag, gassed up the Jeep and I was on my way to the East Walker River. I arrived at the first pool and trout were sipping bugs off the surface. I tossed out a wooly bugger and several trout swirled. I casted again and got a smaller brown to take. I worked my way up to a beautiful little run. It looked pretty, but I was not expecting any fish because the same hole produced nothing the day before. Every day is different, I guess, because the trout were definitely in the hole today. I threw out a big black Wooly Bugger and placed it on the far side of an undercut bank. I let the wooly bugger drift naturally through the current and I watched as a big brown came out from the undercut to engulf the fly. What a blast. I saw the whole thing happen and he was on my line. Truly a beautiful fish. I brought him in, snapped a few photos and let him go. A great start to the day. I made my way upstream, bypassing the thin riffling water. The fish seemed to be consistently holding in the deeper holes. Keep in mind, I say deep in a very relative way. The East Walker River was only flowing at 75-100 cfs. So, I arrived at another hole and I could see fish slurping bugs off the top. So I tied on the Parachute Adams and they loved it. I caught several browns and rainbows. The fish started to catch on to my antics and they stopped falling for the Parachute Adams. So I tied on a wet fly and wham, they loved it. Then I progressed to midges, pheasant tails, and emergers. Everything worked! I just needed to keep changing up the menu. Then I looked to my right and I saw a huge fish. Just a monster brown! He was so big that half of his body was exposed. He was simply to big for the river. I threw everything I had to him, but he could not be tricked. So that was that. I had a great time fishing the Sierras and I would highly recommend it to anyone. Beautiful scenery, lots of fish, lots of land, lots of water and good for the soul.
nice fish looks thin. are they in winter mode? how cold is the water?
You are having to much fun and I am jealous.