July 4th, a day of independence not only for America but also for the women of fly fishermen. For days, months and years we have sat and heard stories of big steel, rising bows and slurpers. Numerous dinners have gone cold waiting for the fly fisherman to return home. There were times we’ve woken up lonely, merely to return to bed that same night alone, only to be woken in the middle of the night by the “stink mitt”. But not today! Whippa and Mooncaster decided to take us to learn the art of casting a fly rod. As mentioned before, having heard of all these epic battles with frozen guides, bent rods and screaming reels. We thought we would never catch a fish on the fly. With a quick lesson and a demonstration, our casts were surprisingly decent. We started hammering one fish after the other. That was epic! Yes they might not have been the enormous Chromers of the Salmon River or the amazing Brownies of the Delaware, but simple Blue Gills of Mooncasters family pond. We now see why the men love to go fly fishing. It’s peaceful, the scenery is spectacular and the joy of reeling in a fish is unbelievable. Now, while waiting at home for our men to return from their grand m?lée, we can sit and wonder when we will be welcomed to go fly fishing again.
Glad you have had the opportunity to experience the pleasure of fly fishing. My wife has no interest in learning to fly fish unfortunately. That said few of us guys would get to go fishing at all if were not for the women behind the fly fisherman.
great stuff … hope to see more of the “bluegillchics” …. i have a feeling that you ladies might just get hooked ….. now that you understand the basics of it all and you understand the game …. maybe whipa and mooncaster will raise the stakes and bring you down to the delaware for an evening hatch …. the trout will be rising just as steadily as the bluegills were biting your flies … the difference will be that … they will drive you crazy because they will shut you down …. i guess this might be the best analogy … …… if you think its hard getting a man to commit to lets say marriage or, in my case, anything at all …. wait till you see how hard it is to get a wild delaware brown trout to commit to taking your fly …. and it is much like luring a man … you gotta make your fly look sexy … you gotta present it just right … and timing is everything …… in the end … i would be willing to bet .. that women have the natural/innate skills necessary to trick the trout …. us men tend to go wild.. casting at every rise … moving here and there …. and our weaknesses, as a gender, are fairly obvious … i have always thought that when it comes to trout …. women natturally have the upper hand … so whippa and mooncaster .. you are entering into the dangerous zone … be careful what you wish for … cuz if they truly enjoy the sport … it might not be long before the teachers becomes the students …
Wish my wife had interest in learning to cast….She yawns when I speak of fishing. I will say she is very understanding of my passion.
Great read!
You girls are welcome to come fly fishing with me anytime Whippa and Mooncaster don’t take you along!
Good to see some women getting out.
Great story, except for the part where the dinner goes cold. Last time I checked Mooncaster and I do most all of the cooking. Nice try though. It was good to see the girls out casting and hooking a few fish.
Great Going Bluegillchics!
“We now see
why the men love to go fly fishing.”
Next, you’ll be wanting the guys to take you Bonefishing in the Bahamas!
It’s a progressive disease and there’s no cure.
Whippa, there should be alarms going off in your head right now !!!DANGER!!!DANGER!!!DANGER!!!
Don’t take this wrong ladies, but I’m glad my wife doesn’t fish.
(for a lot of reasons) “Vive le differance!”
I don’t think Whip and I have anything to worry about. February, 5:00am, 20 degrees below freezing, slamming coffee while trying to keep the car on the road on the way up rt 81 to do some steelheading for 8 or 10 hours. Its not for everyone.
I do like the bikini idea Jer, but my fly is pretty damn sexy. Haha
Nice job girls, look forward do doing it again soon. –Mooncaster