Salmon River Steelhead…With work covered my friend Paul and I head out to Pulaski NY. Spring is the time for Steelhead. After a long drive we arrived at the Yankee Fly Shop with a few hours of light left to fish. The Salmon River was at 1500 CFS to high to fish the main section, even the fly fishing section was to high to cross. In the town of Altmar is the School House pool with some small creeks flowing into the river. Here we found some laid up fish, some feeding some spawning. I saw a nice sized fish feeding at the head of a rock. With 50 to 100 cast and fly changes I finally tricked the wise big fish to strike! I’m so excited and not used to a 9wt rod for trout I pulled the fly out after the first run. Running out of light we called it a day. Back at the lodge we talked with Dawn and John for some local advice and fly selection. Who would have though that Steelhead eat flies that look like they fell off a Halloween costume or a high school cheerleaders outfit. They do! Stay tuned for day two joe-m
so did ya get any? if so – lets see em – if so which of the weird stuff above did they take? how were ya fishing? dropper or weight? how much leader?
you’ll just have to read the next post!
Nice display of flies and a good article.