It’s about being the master of your fly fishing destiny.Or at least, trying to be in control. Of course, some events get in the picture, like accidents and family emergencies, births, deaths and other catastrophic events which alter plans. Making firm fly fishing plans is essential. I make plans which place me at the edge of water over hungry gamefish. I try to stick to these plans and it is priority Numero Uno. EVERYTHING comes second, unless it means a total upheaval of my life. I am vocal in announcing these plans. So if I make plans to fly fish and something “comes up” I take a really hard ****ing look at what’s getting in the way.Planning to fly fish is paramount. I let these times be known to as many people as I can because it alerts them in advance. It alerts them to INCLUDE ME OUT. That’s a good thing. When everyone is going shopping, or to the yard sales or to anywhere other than where I am going….well, they know in advance….”Marsh can’t join us. He’s fishing.” I invite other guys too. Some of them will be so excited to go, they’ll back me to the teeth if there’s any interferences.I decided to also make fly fishing my job too. That way it’s all necessary to my success. It’s “part of the job”, or it’s the job itself, like guiding other fly fishermen. I even work in a fly shop so when I can’t make money fly fishing, at least I can be around fly fishing stuff.When you’re contimplating retirement and don’t have the scratch to buy big boats or pay for guided trips, you might want to consider adopting the plan outlined above.So far, it’s working for me.I even quit smoking so causing my own death won’t interfere with “THE PLAN”.
Up to this point in my life I have successfuly done just that – “Plan Your Life Around Fly Fishing.” People, other than my fly fishing buds, used to think it would end. They used to think I would hit slow down. They said all sorts of stuff like…
When he graduates from high school..
When he graduates from college…
When he gets a job…
When he gets married…
Well, all those people, I think have realized that maybe it just never ends – none of those things altered my “Plan” – I guess the only thing that could really alter my plan would be me myself. Maybe, one day, I will wake up and say..hmmm I don’t like fly fishing anymore. In which case I will put my rods in a yard sale and call it quits. That day has not come yet…I hope it never does…But if it ever does…some kid will most likely buy my rods at the yard sale and another “Plan” will be set into motion.
Great piece Marshall.
Plan to fish, stick to the plan and like water everything else will seek it’s own level, of importance.
Congatulations on the quit smoking Marsh, I’m glad you made that decission and followed through. I have tried and failed several times and you have conqered smoking the rest of your plan should be easy.