With spring here in NC, my calendar quickly filled up this year with things like weddings, reunions, and family travel plans. Though I am fond of all of these things, I also know that delayed harvest streams are soon to let every power bait tosser in the state take over and start taking fish out by the truck load. This time of year gives me an inherant itch to get out on the water and fly fish (not that I don’t always have the itch but April and May are the great months to get out on the water). When I was able to find a weekend in the schedule, I started calling all of my buddies that I thought would want to get outdoors regardless of their fishing attributes. As always, I could count on family. A quick “h%$l yes” was all I needed to hear from my brother Chris. As the week went by, the calls continued and I was set for a couple of days with my brother and some other non-blood “bros”. I rescheduled some of my Friday appointments and headed out to meet Chris for some backwater fishing and camping on Friday and then meet my buddies on the delayed harvest streams on Saturday. After a long, half day hike I was able to land several fish on a Smokey Mountain streamer pattern called the yallerhammer. There is something that seems to happen to me when I get away from the city and get into the wild. Everything that bothers me is immediately put on the back burner. I suppose this is my version of escapism (the old versions have not always been the healthiest). When the action seemed to die down, I walked back to the delayed harvest and grabbed a few more before meeting my brother. We set up camp, cooked some brats, had a few suds and hit the sack. The next morning, we met up with the rest of the crew only to say “later” as we all hit different areas of the streams. At my first hole, I grabbed several right off the bat. It was pretty sporadic for most of the day until about 3:30. I tied on a yellow egg and it was gangbusters. I couldn’t keep the trout off of this fly. One fish right after the other. Nothing of great size with the largest at 19″ and smallest at 10″ but when I catch that many, I tend to not be disappointed. I met my buddies back at the ride around 6 and reports from them were not as good. A few were caught but not many. I took them back to the spot I was working and sure enough the yellow eggs worked again. I love these days. Getting outside, catching fish, and hanging out with close friends. Though I absolutely hate getting into fishing spot wars with the “necks”, I’m sure I will be up there plenty. It is too good of a time not to.
matt1515 — great read … i agree, you gotta make the time … because it sounds like your schedule is much like mine in the sense that if i don’t make time for fly fishing and wait for “free time” … i would never fly fish … as, much like everyone else, i am always “busy” ….. but, like you said, when i get on the water …. all the busy stuff and the day to day worries just seem to vanish … and that is why i make the time …. which leads into another thing you said .. and i can relate and couldn’t agree more … fly fishing is my escapism .. and if fly fishing is my “vice” … i’ll keep it .. because as far as “vises” go …. it’s fairly harmless …. and everybody NEEDS an escape, i know i do anyway ….
” I suppose this is my version of escapism (the old versions have not always been the healthiest). ”
Thanks for a real fine read on your Trout escape. It reads like you are on your best path now,…. that of planning many more adventures….I feel this after reading your solutions to when, where and what to use….you nailed it, bro! I know from past experience that when you get deeper into the sport, and as you get established financially, the trip-planning will become easier. Technology can fix any similar itch.
I was a blues tenor player chasing the music…. I chased it for 30 years, and all the habits drag on for me. You are on your way to the best fix you can addicct yourself to. Like jer says….’there is a simple solution’ ….maybe it’s only an email away.
This story is a great example of how you organized the right cure for the ‘fishing itch’ we all have and it looks like you’ve infected your bro and other buddies as well and that gift to them is your alone to give! They’ll want to scratch! hee, hee.
This site and all of the fliesandfins sites can be your truest best-source for your expanding fly fishing life. The men who operate these sites have become true lifetime friends to me.
Best in fishing…
Well, I ended up taking another personal day this week. I headed back up to the mountain and hit a few holes. Streamers and yellow eggs were the ticket. Again, fish after fish. No idea how many I ended up catching. The real prize was a 3 pound brook I grabbed on a streamer. Because my wife and two kids deserve some time as well, I won’t be going back for a couple of weeks so I felt I needed that time to enjoy the outdoors. Though I enjoy my friends on the water with me, there is something to be said about solitude as well. (I have pictures of the brook. Can I post them in a response?
I know you can post pictures on the forum.