For sometime, I have not have the time to fly fish or post a fish-tale on the best fly fishing site on the web. At different points in our lives, we all get caught up in the real world of all work and no play and I am no different. However, tonight I took out me olde trusty 8 wt fly rod and gave the Snook a try. Lights camera and no action! Snook, 30 + were all over the lights but with the growth of Sothwest Florida casting was difficult. Boats, floating lifts and new docks in my favorite Snook spots made this night close to impossible. Then it hit me! Back up, shorten the leader, cast under the boats and let the fly do the work. Second cast produced a nice sized Snook with a school of jacks following. Wow! I was able to land this beauty but the action stopped like someone turned out the lights. 9 or 10 casts later the big boys showed up. Again I cast my micro minnow and, BAM, off he goes. Only this time this Snook must have gone to the Harvard school of escape. He headed straight out jumping and ripping line off my fly reel. I thought I had him when he turned under the dock only to cut the 50 lb tippet to shreds on one of the new dock piling. Oh well, this Snook will remember me for a wile trailing my micro minnow and 18” of tippet. As the night went on I managed to land several of his brothers and few of his relatives. Tomorrow will bring forth another night of Snook fly fly fishing. However, it will be a different story because Joey the fly fishing marvel will be here. So I will have a boat partner. So stay tuned for some more Florida Snook, Jack and who knows what else action! See ya on the back water.
sweet post — however, i am really looking forward to seeing the “tales of joey and joe-m” over the next couple weeks. i know you two will be busy working – but i also know that the snook, jacks and tarpon are gonna be in for an unpleasant surporise when they show up to their favorite lights to chow on some shrimp and minnows. cuz, i have a feeling that just beyond the light you guys will be positioned perfectly with one of you at the wheel and the other on the bow. and you will watch for the biggest of the bunch to make a careless pass through the light and then he will never notice the hook tied to that little micro minnow and he will eat it without question … and the reels will screem and the cameras will roll…
i just love the times that i have gone out with you fly fishing your favorite snook lights. it is not like the typical NIGHT fly fishing because EVERYTHING is so visible and i can see my line and everything around me and better yet i can see the fish just circling through the lights and it is so awesome when my fly drops on the outscirts of the light and i strip it through – cuz you know something is gonna grab it – maybe a big snook, or a big jack – heck maybe even a tarpon… ya just never know.
great post – looking forward to some more action from southwest florida.. cya.
Great post Joe and pics. Glad you have found the time to fish and post stories.
Man snook and jacks and 80 degree weather. Does it get any better? I think not. Nice work, I am also looking forward to some more fish tales from the South. Go gettum’ fellas.
wow, i love JACKS! my grandma has a condo in bonita beach and i destroy the jacks there. however, this year is the first year i will be bringing my fly rod. do you have any suggestions for snook/jack patterns for under the lights or just off the beach.