Sometimes I just gotta break it up. As a fly fisherman I can, so easily, get sucked into one fishery or one species of fish. Especially the fish that drive me nuts. Lately, I have had a certain obsession with the wild Rainbow Trout. I find myself on the same water, fly fishing the same runs and trying, sometimes desperately, to trick these fish. So, the other day, I had plans of going to try my luck again with the Rainbows. Fisherboy called the night before and invited himeslf to come along (just kidding Austin). So anyway, we get on the road early and the sun is trying to peak through the clouds. Just as I was about to turn into our regular Rainbow parking spot, I decided to give another spot a try. It was a spot I had only fly fished once before and had never heard much of the spot. So, we bypassed the Rainbows only to turn the corner and see a huge rainbow rising above the water. Not a rainbow trout, but a huge perfectly arched rainbow in the sky. We took that as a sign of good luck, but maybe it was a sign that we were making a mistake, and headed down the long dirt road. We drove for a long time on logging roads with not a soul in site and then we arrived. It was an outstanding pool with big boulders and lots of pocket water above and below. I worked my way to the riffles at the head of the pool. First cast with a huge Bugmeister. A Salmon whacks at the fly. I turn to Fisherboy and say, “Did you see that?” He says, “Of course,” and then proceeds to run out to the closest seam and fire off a few casts. The Salmon got tired of seeing my fly, so I switched spools and put on my depth charge line. I threw out a long cast across tons of white water and my line began to bow. I have noticed that I pick up alot more Salmon when the fly is point downstream. So, I let the bow in line do the work and pull that fly head first down stream. Bang! He’s on and out of the water. He jumped a few times and it felt good to be fly fishing on such a magnificent river and tricking a Salmon. I managed to catch a few Salmon that morning as Fisherboy stood in the same spot casting to a big Salmon that was rising far out in the middle of the run. Just when I thought he was going to quit that fish, I saw a huge splash and I heard “NOOOOOOO!” I laughed. Fisherboy missed it. Maybe he set the hook to early or too late or maybe the fish was just refusing the fly. Whatever the case, the fish was down for good. So, the water was about to come up and we decided to head to our Rainbow spot and catch some big Rainbows. We ran into Marshall, who was guiding on the river. There were tons of Rainbows rising all around us. Unfortunately we could not seem to figure out the wild bows that day. They didn’t want the dries, emergers, nyphs, midges or streamers. Well, none of ours anyway. I think we all unleashed everything in our boxes. With every fly that Austin tied on he would say, “Oh, I got it. They will definately take this.” He would then cast it out and watch as it drifted past 2 or 3 rising fish. I faired no better. The day came to an end and here I sit tormented by those wild Rainbows again.
Nice story!
That was a great day,I can’t wait to hit that salmon spot more as the water temps drop.
And as for the rainbows, its all over. Its all done. I will hammer a monster next time!
Thanks for taking me along, and nice salmo.