Just wanted to say how good it makes me feel to come back on to this site. Jeremy and the guys couldn’t have done it any better. Therapy it seems or feels like, as I read and look at all the pictures and stories again since I left for Iraq at the end of November 2008. Just for you folks out there that don’t know me, I too came to this site as a curious seeker looking for that instrument in education and insight to better myself, and an opportunity to make new friends from around the world. Having the passion for fly fishing takes over a lot of things in life, in my case anyway, the stress from military life and the chaotic 6th deployment I went through. This is not to bolster anything about my life or what I have accomplished, but to talk about how one website became a reason in my life to feel back to normalcy and regain a lot of what I lost.6th January wasn’t a routine patrol, my Lieutenant, had to go out to another patrol out to FOB Kalsu to turn in his payment paperwork for the SOI (Son’s of Iraq) insurgency group working with coalition forces. I took the remainder of the squad, a total of 10 Soldiers and two interpreters out to a sector along the Euphrates River. We stopped at some SOI checkpoints just to see how they were holding up and see if things were still quiet in the area. Everything seemed to be ok. At 1130HRS I stop the patrol near a checkpoint that was vacant, curious to know where the SOI manning that checkpoint point was. We dismounted from our vehicles and I sent out my security. The 1st Squad leader was also checking another abandon checkpoint up the road about 130 meters. I approach a makeshift tent cautiously, and peep through the entrance. At the end of the tent I saw an SOI member sitting on a bucket holding his AK-47 moving his leg up and down in a nervous motion. Something didn’t seem right. I turned my head to call for my Team leader to move up to my location with additional security. A loud burst of automatic gunfire broke out. I felt something hard hit my chest. It felt like a sledge hammer hitting home at 50MPH. I lost my balance and fell down hard. As far as I can remember I looked up to see the insurgent standing at my feet sporadically shooting toward my men. Realizing what had happened I rose up my M4 carbine and placed the selector on burst. At that precise moment I’m staring at the muzzle of his AK-47. Realizing I was still alive he made his move to finish me with a head shot. All I heard was an audible click from his weapon. I Squeezed my trigger numerous times, and watched him jerk to the hits. I woke up to see my medic frantically speaking and tugging on me. My squad leader telling me to hold on and that I was going to be fine. I woke up again to the sound of a Blackhawk helicopter approaching the LZ my patrol had set up. I got loaded up and was sent to the CAS in Baghdad. Three hits to my left leg below my knee shattered everything, but still have my leg. Two hits to the chest did not penetrate the body protector. One bullet to the groin protector, a near miss. From there I flew into Landstuhl, Germany for my recovery. The nightmares and the lack of sleep ate at me and I couldn’t bare to eat a lot of meals due to medication. Talked with some people and they encouraged me to come back to this site, as a remedy. I can tell you how much reading all of the articles and stories you all have put in this site have made me feel back like I was before I left. It was my therapy and it made me slowly heal. It is going to be a long road to recovery, but keep the stories coming; you can bet I’ll be reading them all. Thanks to all of the Fly fishermen and women out there for helping a wounded Soldier heal.
I really don’t know what to say. I know you have been a member of this site for a long time and this article is one of the most meaningful things that has ever been on this website. Actually, for me, the most meaningful. To think that this whacky website with a silly name, full of fly fishing finnactics and producing little videos and articles talking about fish, gear and how to do this kind of cast or that kind of nymphing technique etc. – helped you get through an obviously MUCH bigger problem … is incredible. To think that in any way, shape or form that all of us on this site were able to help you “get back to normalcy” is an honor. I really am, believe it or not, at a loss for words (which is very rare:)). All I can say is, I am glad you are ALIVE and still a member of Flies and Fins. When you are yourself again and feeling up to it and if you ever find yourself in or near the state of Maine – it would be my pleasure to fish with you. Please pm any time. Thank you for everything.
I too don’t know what to say. What you have been through is beyond my comprehension. This takes the stress relief and escape of fly fishing to a whole new level. It is truly amazing how much this sport means to all of us and this just shows how far that really can reach. I thank you and all of our troops for everything that you do in order for us all to be able to live the life that we do.
I was in Vietnam with 2/9 usmc, I was medivacced twice and that was the good part. I have 2 passions in life, I work with disabled Vets. through a fly fishing program and fly fish. I hope no one ever asks which is more satisfying. A man who fly fishes has to focus and after a while the bad things find somewhere else to reside. I live it and am fine with it. Feel free to private message me.
That was by far…THE MOST compelling tale I’ve ever read on the pages of fliesandfins.com. I really don’t know what else to say, other than thank you.
If there is anything I can do to help you on the mend..it would be my pleasure.
You are a true hero in every sense of the word … to all of us. As Jeremy’s wife, I can honestly say that your story has truly touched our family. We are proud to have you as a member of this tight knit community on flies and fins and we hope you continue to find the solace you need from this site as well as from the inner depths of your heart and soul. God bless you.
I’m not a US citizens and your story…well…I’m touch. Glad that you had make it trought…really…and that you are back home and on Fliesandfins. Has Jeremy’s wife said you’re a Hero. I’m sure that with time you’ll find in yourself the strenght to recover.
“Tom Clancy is far behind”…could be a way too.
Thank you TroutBone.
I just read your comment and specifically “I’m not a US citizen and your story … well .. I’m touched.” This pointed something very important out to me. We, flies and fins members are from all parts of the world. What unites us is our passion for fly fishing. We never, ever talk about anything but fly fishing .. ever. And we all know full well, outside of the world of fly fishing, there are many complicated political stances and viewpoints and likes and dislikes. None of which we need ever bring into our world of fly fishing.
And the TRUE testament to ALL OF US as members and friends .. and our unification as fly fisherman .. is that when it comes to this site .. WE are all one. There is no such thing, and never has been and never will be distinctions with fish, nationalities, religions, races, political view points or anything of that nature. Because, here .. on Flies and Fins there is only 1 qualifying factor. DO YOU LIKE FLY FISHING? That’s it. It’s that simple. As long as the answer to that question is “YES” – than all fish tales are welcome, all fish are equal and all people are welcome. And, when one of us catches the fish of a lifetime we all live vicariously through that person and their fish tale. I have personally met and fished with so many members of this site from all over the USA and even this summer marcel came from the Netherlands and he and I had a blast fly fishing in the USA. By nature – our love of “The Fish” and our love of fly fishing brings us, as guests, to all sorts of locations and regions around the world. So, by nature, our sport and pursuit of catching fish on flies requires a unification and an absolute ability for us to get along and understand each other and that’s easy to do when we focus on what brings us together in the first place .. our absolute passion and love for fly fishing.
With that said .. I know you live in Guadeloupe now in the French West Indies – so that would make you a French citizen. (And by the way, I can’t WAIT to come over and fish with you soon!) .. And, I think, that your ability to be “touched” by this story .. says so much to so many people .. and you need not say no more.
Thank you AlexisMTFFF! For being a FRIEND of Flies And Fins.
PS. I got you tarpon and bonefish fishtales and videos – they will be posted soon! Maybe next! .. I’m sure you will do what you always do .. and make me JEALOUS as I sit in the freezing cold weather of Maine and watch you catch beautiful bonefish in tarpon in the sun and crystal blue waters of Guadeloupe!!! Love it! And Flies And Fins would not be the same – without all of your fish tales and positive interaction on this site through the years .. and all of the amazing fly fishing you do in Guadeloupe .. Someday soon – I’m gonna be on the bow of your boat! And, what a fish tale that will be!!!! Until then, my friend – Cheers.
My heart goes to you and my hope is for your speedy recovery and fast track back to your Trout streams and rivers. Thank you for your service. I know it is hard to transition but you will.
Just know that you will soon be casting flies at fish and that you have jeremy and this huge flyfishing resource of friends to connect to when you return. Knowing that, would keep me going. Than you for sharing your story.
From one veteran to another, I understand. You have a spot on my boat anytime you are in San Diego. Just send me a pm and it’s done. Thanks for the service. Double down on rehab tuna time is coming.
we all have our place in this world, and specific jobs to do. Sometimes those jobs come with serious risks and obstacles to overcome to achieve your goal. Its a damn shame you got hit , and its an even bigger shame that you had to kill a guy. But it sounds like you manned up and did what you had to do to achieve your objective. Now your next objective is to get back on the water as quickly as you can, and if outlets like this fine website here help ease the time between fishing trips, then some more fish porn couldn’t hurt. PM me and I’ll send you something to pass the time. And when you are ready for that next trip, let me know. For real.
Can only second the offer Dave made here.
If you want to I can send you some stuff about the Searun browns you still have to catch one of these days.
Thank you TroutBone, and God bless you and all the other troops who make it possible for me and other guys on this website to go fishing whenever we please. You are the true American Hero. Your experience makes me think of an old Hemingway short story called “Big Two Hearted River.” A shell shocked WWII vet can’t even manage basic communication after what he’s been through. All he can do is hit the Montana rivers and fish. The experience of fishing slowly eases his mind back to normalcy…
A bad day is an understatement. Thank you for the courage, bravery, time and dedication. I’m glad you were able to find respite within the archives of this site. Feel free to contact me anytime, it would be a privlege to put you over some fish.
Wow, thats quite amazing, hopefully the recovery isn’t to painfull, Thank you for all you have done
I can guarantee you that your pain and sacrifice have not gone unnoticed.
First, I want to thank you for you service and sacrifice. You are a hero, giving of yourself to keep us all safe at home. I work in contracts for a major defense company and I found your story inspirational. I took up fly fishing last February in new jersey. I was so excited to go for the first time that I found myself mid thigh deep in the raritan river while it was snowing. I had so much fun even though it was freezing! You cold say I was “hooked”!. My fiancé is an avid “fly guy” and told me that fly fisherman are a different breed. Your story is a fine example of that. Wishing you many more fish tales!
TroutBone – I’m glad I got to read your story. Get your ass healed and back here soon. I hope to see you on the water
So how’s the leg? The weather will be getting warm soon.. and the bad boys will be showing in the chum line. I hope you get a bunch of offers to fish your way through rehabilitation. I can’t think of a better excercise than hanging out on a boat, throwing flies and pulling on fish. Good for the muscles and good for the soul. Do what you have to do and let’s go fishing.
Clouserhead made me think of something. I am not a guide, so I can’t really offer you a “trip” in the same way other guides on here have. I have a small tiny skiff that is really pretty much a piece of junk:) … and I purposefully ripped out all of the seats and any “niceties” as its a pure fly fishing machine. My friends who fish with me, to be honest, are a little scared of the boat and the only thing that makes them even think about enduring a day on the water with me in my boat is the fact that their addiction to fish over rides all of the pain that they will endure. We smash and pierce waves all while standing up the entire day and holding onto the tuna rope. At days end their back and legs feel as though they have run a triathalon, twice!
Now, there are very very few exceptions to the rule of the boat “Shut up, stand up, don’t whine and look for fish.” Not following these rules .. usually results in getting dropped off at the dock immedatatly and never being part of “the crew” again .. I know .. I know .. it won’t be long till I have no crew and I am alone out there .. yelling at myself:))) hence the nickname “captain ahab” and the growing lack of interest to fish with me these day :))))
SO – Because you have already endured more pain that I could even imagine -and, to be honest, I don’t know that I could tailor the rules of my ship (16.5 foot skiff:)) As when I get around fish, something comes over me and I am only capable of following those very rigid rules:) .. I don’t think it would be good for you or me or us to offer you any sort of “fishing” on my boat. The condition of your leg and my habits of wild eyed tuna chasing .. would be better saved for when you are 100% back to normalcy or BETTER!
So, I do happen to know a few folks in the fly fishing business who make stuff that you might like … Do me a favor, if you are feeling up to it, could you tell me your sizes (waist, inseam, chest) and when you get clothes at let’s say the gap is it small, medium, large or extra large? Also, where are you from? When you go HOME .. where will that be? and what do you fish for most? … Let me know please. Thanks! Hope you’re having a good day today …. able to get some food in your system and getting some good rest. Thanks.
Know this and believe it. You have more people pulling for you and your brothers in arms than any of you are aware of.
You are all heroes in the true sence of the word. I offer you my hand in thanks and my enduring adoration for the hardships you have suffered for our great flag.
My offer to you is a simple one. Come fish with Jeremy and I in my boat. Mine, unlike Jer’s still has all the creature comforts. I enjoy playing local guide to folks in similiar situations as yourself.
Three fishermen having a great day on the water. How’s that sound?
Troutbone thank you for everything that you and many others have done for our country. I am truly speechless about your unfortunate event. If you are ever in Colorado let me know it would be my pleasure to fish with you. Thanks again.
Like everyone else, I am lost for words. Your sacrifice for all of us home and safe should never taken for granted. For you to be thanking all of the flyfishers out there for helping a wounded Soldier heal speaks volumes of your passion for the pasttime we pursue. I too will offer you a place in my home and the chance to fish some of Maines best fisheries anytime you are ready. You can contact me through this site or email me at [email protected] Godspeed to you, and thank you for bringing to the attention of all the flyfishers on this site how lucky we are to have people like you defending us.
TroutBone….I honor your service wish you speedy recovery from your wounds and a cool stream where your line will get tight and your and your heart and mind will be quieted from the turmoil of that place.
Greg…Thanks for handing me a flyrod and showing me how to stop the noise of war.
Thank you for your story!! It really touched my heart. My prayers and thoughts go out to you and your soldiers!! Half of my heart is there with each and every one of you, my son is in the Navy!! You are all “my heros”!!
God bless and thanks for all you do!!!
Hi Everyone (Including you TROUTBONE!)
If you wanted a quick way to revist any of the cool ways that Troutbone has interacted on Flies And Fins for the last couple years .. and see some of the very cool places he has fly fished while being overseas – Simply do a search for “troutbone” .. in the search bar (upper left) of this site… Troutbone, forget about our stories and adventures – relive some of yours too and we all can’t wait for the next fly fishing adventure from you! Get better and get out on the water!
Yes, linesidesonthefly is correct – if we were to fish — his boat would be much better (and safer) than mine .. although it’s well known here in maine that i catch more and bigger fish than him. I guess we could kill two birds with 1 stone though — and get you on some stripers and i could give linesidesonthefly a few striper lessons and pointers, since he’s just learning how to fish for the stripers. also, considering the special nature of this outing i’d be willing to show him a few spots where i REALLY fish, as opposed to doing what i normally do and sending him to spots that i never really fish. Will be fun! :):)
Troutbone, thank you for sharing this story with us. I am at a loss of words and had never dreamt of fliesandfins.com to be the place of remedy as i do now. And, thank you mostly for protecting us fellow fly fishermen. Your heroic actions are what keep us safe and sound back here in the u.s.
Upon reading your story, I again realized how much I take my life and everything in it for granted. I am no soldier but hope that one day I will save/improve anothers life and enrich the lives of those around me as you have for this country. I’m no guide, only driven to the powerful pull of the outdoors and will to fish! If you’re ever around the South Carolina upstate or Low Country, PM me, it would be my honor to fish with you! I think it is wonderful the healing power that fishing can have on one’s body and soul and I wish you a speedy recovery! Again, you’re an inspiration to us all!
God Bless
Dear Troutbone – You have touched the hearts of our entire family –
Thank you for being you and fighting for all of us – you are a true hero and we are so proud to be a small part of your life – the life that you shared through Flies and Fins – Thank you – Please know that you are in our hearts and prayers for a peaceful road to recovery – Affectionately – Frances Cameron (Jeremy,s Mom)
Let me say THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE. Truely an honor to have someone like you in the flyfishing fraternity. Get well soon… if you ever get the need to fish in Florida I’m your man look me up and the day is on me
Thanks again you are a real hero
joe-m aka bull dog
Hey there TroutBone,
Glad to here you made it back safe!
I’m in the USMC, I have not made it over to the sandbox , but I have had many brothers go over there and didn’t make it back. Get better soon and if you are ever in Idaho look me me up and we’ll hit up the local rivers. Once again glad to hear that you made it back safe!!!
From one Brother to another take care!
Thank you for all the support that everyone is posting, as my wife and I sit here and read through all of them, it gives me a warm, feeling of comfort and love to know that Service members are not forgotten by great people like you all.
I personally want to thank Jeremy for having such a great forum and great people like everyone on here, and with out the support you have given to us all, as Service members, our drive to make us do the things we do, would or could be a little different or slow.
You folks are the key motivators in my life just as my family have supported me in my 16 years of active Army service, you are the family of flyfishermen and women that came to my aid, my family as well, each and everyone of you I will stand up to defend for no matter what part of the world you are from, for you are the heroes that came to my aid and came to me in my time of needs, I bless each and everyone of you for your caring support.
I have never been a very emotional man, but as the tears streams down my cheek right now, I am truly glad that I can call you all my brothers and sisters. may peace and the shield of our gods give safe haven to our brothers and sisters, love ones, mothers and fathers that are out there fighting to protect our way of life, Thank you from my family to yours, Thank you.
TroutBone, I’m not good with words dude, but from one vet to another, thank you and get better man- soon. Beadhead.
I too am not a regular here but as a retired vet I would like to wish the best in recovery and extend an invite to flyrod some exclusive native brooktrout water in Maine. Military access only.
DCCS(SW/AW), Retired.
troutbone ! en Bariloche hay una balsa esperandote para cuando estes bien y tengas ganas de conocer la Patagonia Argentina .
espero que estes bien pronto y puedas volver a disfutar de la pesca
Bariloche /Argentina
Miguel does not speak English. Here is a rough transation. (Miguel no habla Inglés. Aquí está transation)
“troutbone! Bariloche is a pond waiting for you when you are well and want to know Patagonia. I hope you are well again soon and can enjoy fishing.”
I read about this on another site. I just want to thank you for your service. Incredible story and wish you well on your recovery…. Thanks
Your a bunch of brave guys over there, doing a hard job under tough circumstances. Just a quick note from Canada letting you know what you do is appreciated and wishing you a healthy and speedy recovery. If you ever get up this way I’ll be more than glad to take you out for a fish!
Man I was choked up when I read this. It is amazing how the small things can help to heal. God Bless and thank you for your service. My brother flies C5s in the Air Force and is back and forth to Iraq. I worry, but he doesn’t face the danger you guys face.
Thank you
Welcome Home!! and thank you for serving our country.
I can see you out there casting flies to willing fish. Being outdoors, being with friends, and looking for a few good fish to catch and release is the most healing thing in the world.
I was a medic in Vietnam in 1968. I know what I am talking about. I am now a counselor at the Ventura Vet Center, a VA counseling center for war vets. If you need anything give me a call.
hi troutbone. its great to hear from another person who has benefited from fly fishing as i have. i am a purple heart recipient from oef myself and the only therepy that really helped me was fly fishing. even when i wasn’t able to fish, connecting with people in the fly fishing community online brought me a bit of normality that i sought. there are a lot of great resources out there for wounded vets to fly fish. check out rivers of recovery. they do some really great stuff for us. i have been on one of tehir trips and just got back from argentina with dan. great guy who really gets us. thanks for your service bro.
Wow, its been a few weeks since I’ve checked the site. Give ’em hell boss; glad you’re pulling through and the fishing stories have you on the mend. If you’ve got hours to burn and you’ve read all the stories on Jeremy’s site, feel free to burn some time reading a fishing blog I frequent http://www.solidhookups.blospot.com . Plenty of fishing hooligunism on there. Be well.
Trout bone, Thank you so much for your service. I hope you are doing well,you have my prayers If you get out to Washington look me up I will by the beer and take you fishing. God bless Zane