The weather was changing for the better. The water dropping to fishable levels. And the bugs were hatching. So at noon on a Friday, of a particularly annoying work week, I decided to blast out early. The crappy week provided all the incentive I needed to try my luck on some local waters. To try and unwind a bit. The water that I usually fish on the way home was just recently stocked. So everyone and their brother decided to take advantage of that. Except me. I decided to go fish a wild trout water system that Shaq, wrh and myself have been exploring over the past year. Basically there is a larger river that has a smaller branch that dumps into it. I made my pick, and as I always do, I started with the small water. I’ve never been a very accomplished fisherman on bigger water. I grew up fishing the small stuff so I just have a higher level of confidence there. Over the years I have caught a few pretty nice trout in the small waters. My personal best before today was a nice 19.5″ brown in the 3 pound range. Not bad by any means. So I worked my way up stream with a 2 nymph rig. Not a single hit. Not even a glimpse of a fish rising. A few bugs were sporadically hatching. So the food was there for the taking. After fishing upstream to the point I usually stop I decided to switch up flies and work a bugger on the way back down. Third cast and I was into what is now my personal best small stream fish. After a 15 minute or so fight I had a beautiful 22″ brown that was well over 6 pounds. After that fight I wasn’t to sure I unwound. The adrenaline was definitely pumping. But I had a great sense of satisfaction after landing that fish. Definitely the way I like to start a great weekend.
congratulations chrisr – that certainly is a big wild brown trout .. small stream or not! you must have been shocked when that fish took the wooly bugger … he must have given you a run for your money in those tight quarters. a fish i am sure you will never forget … awesome story and personal accomplishment … best yet, he was released and who knows .. that same fish may grow a few more inches and beat the same fish that beats your current “personal best” … maybe the two of you will cross paths again .. ya never know.
Thanks bro. Believe it or not the take was very subtle. I knew it was a decent fish. And I even caught a glimpse of it. Because the first thing it did was charge me to try and slack the line and unhook. It went by me ripping though so I was certain of the size. I wasn’t surprised that a fish that length was in there. But the girth was a surprise for sure. I think he has been eating all the little rainbows that usually frequent that section. lol I’d definitely love to cross paths with that fish again. Especially in the fall to catch a glimpse of those beautiful spawning colors.
Chris, Well done. I can’t wait to get out there and chase some of those fish after seeing what you got.
No doubt Robin. I can only speak for myself. But after seeing the two beautiful big bows yourself and Geoff caught, and this one, I think we are in for some goods times this season. I know I have really only scratched the surface as far as how much of these waters I have fished.
great job! I love it when something big comes out of such small places. Reminds me of when I lived in washington state and my brother and I where walking to a local stream but stopped at what was basically a drainage ditch to the stream. We caught trout after trout and some where huge! Good job again.