Guiding: Friends For Life

There is little doubt that the relationship cultivated between fisherman and guide is a unique and special one. Any time two or more people come together with a specific purpose in mind, the probability of something magical happening increases tenfold. Just as the fly rod is an extension of the angler’s body, the angler is often an extension of the guides being, their two worlds merge and they become one entity with incredible synergy. When everything comes together properly, astounding acts of nature take place on the water and have a tendency to be burned into an anglers psyche. Naturally, the individual who shared that experience with you is etched in time as well. Ultimately, strong emotions are evoked, often good and sometimes bad but what remains consistent is the bond that two anglers share. Friendships that I have accumulated over the years that have been based around fly fishing seem to stand the test of time. I feel that people are very sincere when fishing there are no ulterior motives which leads to an atmosphere that is genuine and cohesive. Under these circumstances people tend to gravitate towards one another because the act of fishing is a total experience of the senses, at times a complete meditative state of existence where the cares and worries of the everyday world simply melt away. I believe it is in this environment that lifelong friendships are germinated and maintained. The bottom line is that fishing brings people together that would have otherwise never met. Giving individuals the opportunity to experience one another’s company while exploring an act that is ultimately primal, therefore connecting on a level that is deeper than the average everyday experience.