Knowing full well the water on the Kennebec River was even higher than yesterday, I returned to the same spot that had yielded many trout. As it was Veterans day I called Kenny, my good friend, fellow veteran and long time fly fishing companion. We did our annual Veterans Day thing and went fly fishing. Seven weight spey rod, a tied leader a full 14 feet and on the end a Wood Special fly. Kenny had already been on the water for 1/2 hour and was poking at the fast water upstream, he didn’t look to excited. I tried to be descrete and slide downstream where I had the luck the day before. “Hey! where you going?” Kenny yelled. I knew then I had to leed him away from my honey hole, so I quickly jumped in where I was, hoping he would do the same. He said, “Hi” as he cruised by me reading the water. “Damn,” I thought to myself as he slid into the river 10 yds upstream from the fish. He cast and swung his fly while walking down stream having only one hit going through my drift. I walked down the river bank and slid into my spot. Few casts and I got a nice Brookie on within 30 minutes I had caugt a Brown and a LL Salmon. Kenny caught an 18 inch Brown and several Brookies further down. He laughed walking by saying he thought I was going to fall in the way I was scrambling toward that run.
greg — awesome fish tale .. a fun read .. and i can certainly relate to fly fishing with a friend and feeling a bit uneasy when he approaches a drift that i consider “mine” … hence you may not want to bring me to your spot .. because you know i will run to the honey hole and take advantage of your age and … true to form .. i will be geared up and fly in water before you even have the truck in park 🙂
Nice read Greg. Nice to have an annual outing with a good buddy. clean fish…the underside is so bright. Good job!