After several hours of Admin., Tom and I headed for Torch Key. We only had about 3 hours left of the day to fish and wanted something to show for our first day. The fly shop no longer sold Crazy Charlies, my favorite fly but offered us something very similiar, called a “Gotcha”. Tom had the first Bone on but he didn’t let go of the line in time and was snaped off. I had a small Bone on and lost him in 3 seconds. Then we turned our attention to the mangrove snappers that seemed to like our floating crabs, brown or green. We caught quite a few of these delicious fish along with Barracuda, lady fish and a couple of ugly fish that I don’t know the name of. Tom saw a shark fining not to far from us, he was more interested in the fish schooling in a depression on the bottom. Today is a new day and we are headed for a new spot with less wind.
I am SOOOOOOOO jealous…I know right where your fly fishing – you brought me there last year…great flat! loads of fish – big ones too. i had something HUGE take my popper fly and i still think of that all the time. Now – go get a bonefish would ya! looking forward to your next “fish tale from the keys”
Ps – hey tom – wouldn’t you rather be home in Nova Scotia right now?——-NOT!
Me , “up north” 🙁
I’m SSOOOOOOOOO jealous too!!!
Enjoy yourselves!!
Nice post. That looks like a Hog Nose Snapper to me? Although, it has been a long time since I have seen one.
I meant to say sounds like a Hog Nose Snapper (the ugly one)
I meant to say sounds like a Hog Nose Snapper (the ugly one)
Hi Tom-Looking good there.Glad to see you doing the things you love. Have a great time and see you soon