The wind was down as we arrived at the Navy buoy and the water was calm whenthe Guide stopped the engine. After a minute we could see the Doradocruising through the water and prowling for food. our guide threw a live baitfish in the water and suddenly there were several fish between 15 and 30 pounds chasing it. I stripped line of my fly reel and threw the popper fly in the direction where the action was. I stripped the popper fly fast and a big bull Dorado came up behind the fly and took a look but wouldn’t take because the fly was moving to slow. I waited for the guide to throwanother baitfish in the water and when he did I made a cast in the direction ofthe fish and stripped line as fast as I could with both hands and in a fewseconds the first of several Dorado caught up with the popper and inhaled it. Aftersetting the hook the Dorado took 150 yards of fly line and backing in seconds with a series of jumpsand then the fish went deep. After 15 minutes or so, I landed my first ever Dorado on the fly. We continued fly fishing for the next couple hours and had a great time. On the way back to FreshCreek Thomas Key my guide told me about a Marlin he saw jumping out of thewater striking a Dorado at the same place we had been fishing. Maybe I needa bigger spare rod next time.
killer stuff man … those are crazy looking fish .. amazing colors, i would love to get one on the fly … man, you guys from denmark take your fly fishing seriously and do some sweet trips … good stuff
Congratulations!!! great fish.
Which fly did you use? a deer hair one? foami?
Did you use a 10wt?
Please give us some more info
I took my first ones on deceivers last December and still remind it.
Those fish blast on a fly rod!!! Congrats.
Would love to try out my gear against one of those 🙂
Flot fisk..
Thanks.. I used a hard head popperhead I paintet yellow and green with golden wellow grizzly feathers and a lot of flash and I used my 12 weight that
I also use for sharks.
Awesome stuff!
I’ll have to do that when go to the bahamas next time…