See More Photos – Quebec Sporting picked the water and I caught my fist fish on the first day. The York river was high due to recent rain. Fortunately, Quebec Sporting handles getting the water and all we have to do is fish. The weather, only where Ken and I were, was cloudy and rainy most of the day. I had cast a full day and in late afternoon tied on a Dee fly tied for me by Mike at Fly Fishing only, and hooked up to a 4-5 lb. Grilse. Bright red dots and full of fight. For those wondering a Dee fly comes from the Dee river in scotland. This fly is commonly classified under Spey flies. The Spey river is also in Scotland. This Young Atlantic Salmon had been out in the ocean only one winter and are referred to as Grilse. Tomorrow we are going to the Dartmouth river and are told the water levels should be perfect.
Hi Greg and Kenny. That water sure looks high and muddy. Good luck today!
“Datmouth”,,,,,hmmm a new river? Was it possibly named after my first wife?
well done – that is pretty cool that you caught it on mike’s fly. very cool actually. that grilse is sweet. i would be happy to catch a grilse like that anyday. did he jump??
Congrats Greg.
i wanna see kenny hook up – he missed a few in the spring up in quebec but never got one – Greg must be snagging them or something – Come On Kenny – its your turn! I am crossing my fingers for ya. Lot of time on the water – bound to pay off.
PS. When no one is looking just throw on some split shots (just kidding)!