You get up and hurry to meet a friend you caught fish with a day or two before, knowing the fishing must be even better today! Afterall the sun is out, it is warmer, the water temps are up and more bugs will hatch = more fish to catch. All of the afore mentioned happened with the exception of the latter. We didn’t even see a fish. This was not do to a lack of effort or motivation, to the contrary. We fished at least 4 places and looked at several more. This is the type of day that was beautiful to be outdoors (Yeah right! That’s just a sneaky way of saying the fishing stunk!).
I hear ya barking dog! Nice article! beautiful to be outdoors – blah, blah, blah – if thats’ what I cared about I would be a hiker or canoer or something like that! The scenery always seems to be better when I have a fish attached to my fly. The grass gets greener, the mountains are bigger, the water is bluer. When there are fish, it seems to all come up roses. When there are NO FISH – I’m just a fool who spent the day standing in a cold river with rubber boots on. We’ll get em next time. I still had fun. But not that much fun:)