My friend Pablo and I left our homes in Buenos Aires, Argentina and made the 18 hour drive to a beautiful Patagonia river that we knew would have ravenous wild rainbow trout. These rainbows had not eaten for about two weeks, so they were hungry. We arrived the same day stopping only for cafe’ and gasoline and we actually fly fished that day just for the sake of wetting our lines. The next five days we fly fished all different spots in the mornings and would return to where we knew the rainbows would be in the afternoons as the water would warm up and create amazing activity. It was incredible just to watch these rainbows jump out of the water. Patagonia’s rivers are extremely high right now and the water is very cold and access can be challanging. However, the snowmelt from the mountains creates massive streams that feed into translucent lakes which produces amazing fly fishing. All of the food collected as the water runs off the mountains comes right to these big beautiful fresh rainbow trout waiting eagerly for a good meal. This is where we camped for five nights. For me, this is paradise. We would fly fish primarily with sinking lines as the water is extremely fast. We would fish natural colored flies such as olive and brown. These colors seemed to work the best however these colors are of course the most used. These fish are hungry and if youpresent something to them that resembles food they are going to kill it and fight with even ounce of energy as there is incredible amounts of oxygen in the water . November generally is the primary month here in Patagonia for targeting big rainbows as they make there way to the river mouths. I think its is going to be an incredible year here in Patagonia as the fish looked extremely healthy with wonderful colors.
Awesome man, great read! Nothing gets me going like wild rainbows and from what i have heard from many guides who guide up here and down there ,Alaska and south america are the best places in the world for them! I have always wanted to fish down there, i have even looked at doing some guiding there next winter (summer for you guys). One of these days!!!
beautiful fish alex- it looks very healthy and just like a steelhead! From the picture below the sceanery looks amazing. I hope to fish that part of the world someday and until then I will live vicarously through your south american adventures.
It looks like a real beautiful place to fish. Nice Rainbow too.
Good to hear from you Alex, Gorgeous scenery and a gorgeous fish. If you were just a little closer I’d be taking that picture for you.
What a fish and what a place! Breathtaking.
save some for me brotha! … looking forward to having you show me around down there … just don’t crack me over the head with your fly reel:) … that water looks amazing, and the fish too … i love those kind of spots where rivers/streams run into a big lake … kind of like the spot we fished in maine .. you just know that the channel cats are gonna be waiting down deep right where the lake meats the stream/river .. waiting for a big meel … sinking line, big and ugly buggy flies … love it.
Hello Alex!
I have just got back from Patagonia, and I can only say that It was the most beautiful place in the world. I fished the Rio Corontosa, and caught a beautiful Brook Trout, which fought very strongly. This was of course, one of many fish I had the priviledge of catching. I am sorry I did not meet up with you at some stage, I would have enjoyed sharing yerba mate with you. The techniques the local fisherman used to catch these fish with sinking shooting heads was very interesting. While there, I did meet some guys who toured South Africa (Rugby) and visited my home town (Durban)! The Argentinians are Fantastic people.
Take care
Paul Helmbold
I dream of going to Alaska and I will definitely contact you before go, contact me if you are on your way here anytime. You would love it here as there are unlimited rainbow spots and many yet to be explored.
I am so glad you made down here as it truelly is a paradise, you past through my favorite town Villa La angostura next time give me a call as I know you will be back
Thank you very much Alex! I will be back for sure. I honestly can say, that I love the place, the people, and am sad not to be there right now. As a pilot I travel a lot. Nowhere is it so beautiful!
Tight lines and I hope to see you in Patagonia.