About 3 this afternoon I headed out to a river to try and catch a fish. So far for the season I had one Brookie and a lot of fresh air and stories that started with conversation about the scenery. I took my Orvis 6ft., 4wt., #1 battenkill large arbor and headed out. This is a great combo for close fishing in bushes and brush. I started with the usual suspects, a Brown stone with a small winter black stone attached to it. Kept the Stone on, put on sinking putty where necessary,( holes and deep runs), and kept switching out the nymph, i.e., Caddis and others no takers. The Sun was getting low in the sky, several people told me the water was to cold,(42 degrees), but some other place was 50!!. Mike Holt from FFO stopped by to say hi. They had no sooner left, maybe 10 minutes, and I went to the river to fish. I tied on a # 10 Prince nymph and sink putty on my 5x tippet and let the nymph …slip over the lip of a hole. I felt something so I lifted my rod, and thought swell a branch. The branch, after a second pull on my rod, took me well into my backing as he headed down river. My adrenalin shot up as I felt the power of the fish, is the hook set good, is the 5x going to hold, can I keep him out of the rocks? 25 minutes later I landed this 21 inch beuty of good health and released him in kind. My first Brown of the year on a 4wt, with 5x, close, real close.
Awesome fish greg and awesome article – you always seem to set the mark for the trout season by catching something like this. just look at the brown trout you got last year around this time [www.ineedasimplesolution.com] – Well done – Impressive and luck ain’t got nothing to do with it! The downstream drift is where its at! forget the upstream stuff.
Nice fish! On the 4wt too!